camels-aus related tech notes

These are notes for the package maintainer(s). Most users can ignore them.

Release steps

  • all UT pass
  • Merge new features/fixes to devel branch.
  • updated
  • check readme is up to date


cd ${HOME}/src/github/camels-aus-py
source ${HOME}/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda create --name ${my_env_name} python=3.9
conda activate ${my_env_name}
conda install -c conda-forge wheel twine six 

TODO: conda install -c conda-forge pytest coverage, but the unit tests from R efts have not been ported/adapted yet..

conda activate ${my_env_name}
cd ${HOME}/src/github_jm/camels-aus-py
mkdir -p dist
rm dist/*
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
rm dist/*.tar

Importantly to not end up with incorrect display of the readme:

twine check dist/*
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

Then and only then:

twine upload dist/*


2021-01 Exploring options for putting this on readthedoc. I used in the past sphinx with napoleon extensions to document ela. This was a trial run. Did something more substantial for an internal project (WAA).

Starting afresh with this, reading the RTD guides. Introduces mkdocs. Notice this blog on mkdocs-material which seems like the new cool kid on the block.

Unclear from RTD where to create a new mkdocs project (supposed to be in the root of the python package?) not sure. for now:

cd doc
mkdir mkd
cd mkd/
mkdocs new .

mamba install -c conda-forge mkdocs-material mkdocstrings mkdocs-material-extensions


pandoc -f markdown -t rst  > README.rst

Can view with the retext program (did not find VScode RST extensions working, or giving out blank output if not, perhaps)

python check --restructuredtext